Understanding Apache Airflow on AWS

Apache Airflow doesn’t only have a cool name; it’s also a powerful workflow orchestration tool that you can use as Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) on AWS. This post will explain which problems the service solves, how you can get started, and the most important concepts you need to understand.

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Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1

When discussing high performant real-time event streaming, Apache Kafka is a tool that immediately comes to mind. Optimized for ingesting and transforming real-time streaming data in a reliable and scalable manner, a great number of companies today rely o

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Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2

When discussing high performant real-time event streaming, Apache Kafka is a tool that immediately comes to mind. Optimized for ingesting and transforming real-time streaming data in a reliable and scalable manner, a great number of companies today rely o

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SANTA UNWRAPPED – UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS OF 3D MODELING 3D modeling has revolutionized various industries, be it animation (Film/VFX), gaming, e-commerce, manufacturing, industrial design or even healthcare. But what exactly is a 3D model? In this a

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On-Prem Airflow to MWAA

Transforming large amounts of data into formats that help solve business problems is what data engineers excel at. A combination of Serverless tools such as Athena, StepFunctions, Lambda, or Glue can get the job done in many projects. However, some custom

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AWS Access Management uncovered: Where do all those 403s come from?

In this blog post, I would like to show you the various types of AWS permission management capabilities to generate a better understanding, where access denied API errors (403) may arise from and what ample options there are to grant permissions. One shou

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