Very high volatility in the foreign exchange market!

There is currently a very high volatility in the foreign exchange market. The smallest exchange rate of the Czech crown, but also the rates of other currencies of reactive extreme fluctuations to the uncertainty prevailing in the markets with a view to the spread of COVID-19. As a result, wider exchange rate spreads are important. We assume that this situation will last.

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AKCENTA generated record profit last year

AKCENTA’s profit reached almost CZK 100 million last year. The financial institution successfully exploited the high volatility on the foreign exchange market and companies’ need to hedge against exchange rate risk.

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NOTIFICATION - change in the numbering of foreign exchange trades

We would like to inform you that from January 2nd 2019 there has been a change in the numbering of foreign exchange trades - the assignment of variable symbols to individual trades and also movements within the Internal Payment Accounts (IPA). If you have

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Photovoltaic Technology in Bangladesh and India

23.06.2012 – “Germany and India in 2011 – 2012: endless possibilities.” This is the guideline for the current visit of the German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs in India. However, he will not only visit India, but Bangladesh as well. As a member of

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Exchange 2019: Mainstream Support endet heute

Heute ist der Mainstream Support für Exchange Server 2019 abgelaufen, somit befinden sich nun beide noch unterstützen Exchange Server Versionen im Extended Support, welcher am 14.10.2025 endet. Während Exchange 2016 nur noch Sicherheitsupdates erhält, bek

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New email addresses for sending AKCENTA CZ documents

We would like to inform you that from 6.6.2017 the email address from which you receive documents related to foreign exchange transactions and payments (confirmations, payment orders, etc.) will change. The address will be replaced by

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