VSCode Repository-Level Task Definitions

Do you run the same CLI commands again and again while using VSCode? Even if you already put them into code, you find yourself typing things like rake build all the time? I just learned of VSCode’s integrated Task management the other day, and this knowledge could help you work more productively. So let’s dive deep…

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DevContainers on Windows without Docker for Desktop

A while ago, Docker changed licensing terms for their Docker Desktop product. As a result, many companies cannot use Docker for free anymore, which impacts using VSCode DevContainers. In this blog, I will show you how to solve these licensing issues by us

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Enable Autocomplete for boto3 in VSCode

One of the less pleasant aspects of working with AWS using Python is the fact that most IDEs aren’t able to natively support Autocomplete or IntelliSense for the AWS SDK for Python (boto3) because of the way boto3 is implemented. Today I’m goi

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Finding EBS Boot Volumes

Recently I got a question on how to find boot volumes of AWS instances. While I did not get any background on the purpose of this, I found the task interesting enough to dig a bit deeper. As in “down to the binary level”. Interested?

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6 Monate Frist zur Offenlegung der UFOs und Reverse Engineering

Der UAP Task Force Whistleblower David Grusch bewirkte mit seiner Anhörung eine neue Gesetzesgebung mit einer gesetzlichen Frist von 6 Monaten Berichte über geborgenen UFOs herauszugeben...

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Using AI to generate Terraform Code from actual AWS resources

The world is changing, with new AI tools emerging every day. One such tool that has been making waves recently is ChatGPT. It is only the first of many such tools hitting the market, and it urges us to think about the future of our work. I recently used i

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