Why Business Email Has a Key Role in Omnichannel Marketing

Business email is an often forgotten marketing channel. Find out why you should always consider business email in your omnichannel marketing strategy.

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5 Business Email Best Practices for ABM

See our top 5 tips and practices for getting the most from business email as an ABM channel that gets recipients to take action.

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How to Use Email Signatures to Modernize Your Marketing Campaigns

Guest author Microsoft MVP Christian Buckley discusses how email signatures are perfect for amplifying and boosting the reach of your marketing campaigns.

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Establish effective marketing Processes before choosing marketing Technology

If your goal is to deliver quality results in B2B marketing, which should come first: marketing processes or marketing technology? Andi Catt has a very clear opinion, based on her experience as founder and Managing Director of The Call Business ... The po

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5 Reasons Why Email is still a Powerful Business Tool 

Find out why email is still the most effective tool for businesses communication and remains necessary in the modern workspace.

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Wie du Omnichannel-Marketing mit der SAP Customer Data Platform perfektionierst

Die Einführung einer Customer Data Platform (CDP) zählt für viele Marketeers zu den wichtigen Projekten des Jahres. Doch was ist das Besondere an einer CDP? Und welche Vorteile bietet die SAP CDP? In einem Blog-Beitrag werde ich diese Fragen beantworten.

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