tecRacer Amazon AWS Blog

The blog about Amazon Web Services by the AWS Premier Tier Services Partner tecRacer. We share our expertise and passion about technology with the world.

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Stay single - AWS SSO on the cli with distributed CodeCommit Repositories

TL;DR with aws-sso-util and awsume sso and codecommmit is easy

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Building a Serverless Webapp with Amplify and Quasar - Day 3

I was helping a customer with a Amplify App. This later turned into a meetup, where we are building a photo sorting application using AWS Amplify for the backend and Quasar for the frontend. This is the third article in a series that lets you follow along

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Insider Story - Nadim Yonis

We, as tecRacer, thrive on our individual and unique employees. In our new series “Insider Stories” Nadim will tell you how he found his way to the company as well as how he experiences working for tecRacer.

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Building a Serverless Webapp with Amplify and Quasar - Day 2

I was helping a customer with a Amplify App. This later turned into a meetup, where we are building a photo sorting application using AWS Amplify for the backend and Quasar for the frontend. This is the second article in a series that lets you follow alon

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Insider Story - Pradheet Roychoudhuri

We, as tecRacer, thrive on our individual and unique employees. In our new series “Insider Stories” Pradheet will tell you how he found his way to the company as well as how he experiences working for tecRacer.

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Building a Serverless Webapp with Amplify and Quasar - Day 1

I was helping a customer with a Amplify App. This later turned into a meetup, where we are building a photo sorting application using AWS Amplify for the backend and Quasar for the frontend. This is the first article in a series that lets you follow along

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Modelling a product catalog in DynamoDB

Data modelling in NoSQL databases is different from what we’re used to in the relational world. In this article we’ll talk about the process of data modelling in DynamoDB, single-table design and how to build a basic data access layer using py

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Cross Account Resource Access - Invalid Principal in Policy

Keeping accounts decoupled is important in cross account scenarios. Setting permissions in the wrong way can lead to unwanted behavior. Better avoid setting a principal in a resource policy to a specific ARN as it may lead to ‘Invalid Principal&rsqu

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Deploying Custom Ohai Plugins

With the deprecation of the ohai cookbook, there is some confusion on how to deploy custom Ohai plugins. This short summary shows, how easy deployments have become.

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How to deploy XWiki on AWS with One Click

Deploy your selfhosted serverless XWiki now! There are many ways to get your own, truly private and selfhosted, wiki in the exciting cloud computing times. SaaS solutions exists and many OpenSource Software can be hosted on virtual machines or even hardwa

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AWS Certification Challenge - jetzt den CloudPractitioner machen!

Get certified challenge - Ein Meetup der AWS User Group Hannover Wir haben uns entschieden, die User Group in Hannover wieder in deutscher Sprache zu halten. Daher dieser Post auch in Deutsch. The orga team of the AWS User Group Hannover (Malte&Me) de

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Start Guessing Capacity - Benchmark EC2 Instances

Stop guessing capacity! - Start calculating. If you migrate an older server to the AWS Cloud using EC2 instances, the prefered way is to start with a good guess and then rightsize with CloudWatch metric data. But sometimes you’ve got no clue, where

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Deployment Issues with Cross Stack Dependencies and the CDK

In this blog post I explain to you how to handle a particular class of errors with cross stack dependencies in the CLoud Development Kit.

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S3 Cross Account Adventures

Update October 2020 AWS has finally added a feature to solve our problem, now all that’s missing is CloudFormation support :-) Amazon S3 Object Ownership is available to enable bucket owners to automatically assume ownership of objects uploaded to t

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Rotate your credentials and dont forget MFA

According to the Well-Architected Framework and the least privileges principle, you should change your access keys and login password regularly. Therefore the user should have the right to edit their credentials. But only their own. Also using MFA - multi

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