Children's procession

So far, 97 children have immortalized themselves with drawings on the four copper plates for the "Children's Parade" relief on the city wall. There is room for about 100 self-portraits. There is still the possibility to line up with an incised drawing in the covering varnish until next week. The children's procession on the 4-metre relief is led by Josias with the drum and the brave Malou. DONA NOBIS PACEM - Give us peace In this relief, Elena, Tamina, Sina, Lea and Eleanor are practising self-defence - with hands and feet. To illustrate the fast movement, Sina has drawn her left leg infour positions. Lina Simon, standing upright on the horse, stretches her hands upwards where the urgent wishes DONA NOBIS PACEM, confidence, peace for the future - paix pour l'avenir, friendship and love are sent into the starry sky.

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Children's parade etchings

The youth fire department arrived with ten children to draw for the relief "We for All" – Mia, Timo and Lotte-Mathilda, Tom, Paul and Bastian act as hose carriers. On the other reliefs Melanie with high ladder, Max, Lasse-Mattis and Sam. Bright and clear

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Engaging Articles for Childrens Magazine

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We for all – Rhoden's new center

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In Motion

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Girls` Day 2023 Promoting and motivating the next generation in the industry

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