Support is back on 2018-01-02 Taking a break :-) #34c3

See you in Leipzig:

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Risk falling, failing looking stupid

Risk falling, failing, or looking stupid while you try to pick the high hanging fruits up on the tree that is life. Don’t just pick the low hanging fruits if what you really desire is high up in the skinny branches that might crack and break. Fall in love

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Happy new Year 2019

Wishing you a wonderful, healthy, joyful, blessed, successful new Year 2019! May it hold many happy surprises and only good Things in store for you! Thank you so much for your support throughout the Year 2018. I am feeling so grateful and blessed for all

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Wir sind umgezogen

Ab 01. Januar 2020 finden Sie uns in der Goldbacher Straße 13 in 88662 Überlingen unter folgenden neuen Rufnummern: <!--break-->07551 - 937582 W. Kopf <!--break-->07551 - 93753 H. Ernst

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Polen back on Track to the EU

Congratulations to all my friends in Poland! Poland and its Government are back on track into the EU! Great to see, democracy works! During teh last five years I had many talks about the situation in Poland, and the un-democratic path the former Governmen

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