Visualization of advanced graph algorithms

I just gave the final talk of my interdisciplinary research project (IDP) about the visualisation of advanced graph algorithms. You can read the talk’s abstract and browse through the talk’s slides right in your browser, since I used reveal.js to make them. The interactive visualizations of the two graph algorithms I choose are still work in progress and require some furbishing and bugfixing, but you can test them out already: Push-relabel algorithm for the max flow problem Label Setting algorithm for the SPPRC problem I welcome any feedback! All the code developed is open sourced in the github repository idp-graph-algorithms The final documentation is still work in progress, but I will upload it here once finished.

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Visualization of advanced graph algorithms [finished]

I finally handed in the final documentation of my interdisciplinary research project (IDP) about the visualization of advanced graph algorithms and am thus officially done with my studies. Please have a look at the demo. Abstract This interdisciplinary

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Modellierung: Maschinelles Lernen leitet neue Ära in den Materialwissenschaften ein - 07.07.2023

Die Anordnung von Elektronen in Materie, die so genannte elektronische Struktur, spielt nicht nur in der Grundlagenforschung eine entscheidende Rolle, sondern auch bei angewandter Forschung wie dem Arzneimitteldesign oder der Energiespeicherung. Lange Zei

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TriVis Weather Graphix Powers Up at Radio Télévision Suisse

Were delighted to announce that Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) has chosen our powerful turnkey solution, TriVis Weather Graphix, as their weather visualization system and successfully launched it in March 2023. As part of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation

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Viel Innovationsgeist beim HZDR Transfer Day: Auszeichnung der Gewinner des 7. Innovationswettbewerbs - 23.01.2024

Ein Vorhaben des Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) hat den HZDR-Innovationswettbewerb 2023 gewonnen. Das Projekt "XR-Mikroskopie" von Dr. Ulrik Günther und Jan Tiemann setzte sich unter den Einreichungen durch und wurde mit einem Preisgeld

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Multiview Levenberg-Marquardt ICP

I just open-sourced my project mv-lm-icp. The main ideas are described in the technical paper Multiview ICP. The project was developed as a follow-up to my bachelor’s thesis as a working student at CAMP chair and Siemens CT. I think the code serves as a g

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