Berlin International Women's Club located in Berlin Germany

The Berlin International Women’s Club is a community of women from different cultures striving to foster mutual understanding and tolerance in Berlin.

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Activity Highlights in June 2024

You can learn more about BIWC at the IAMEXPAT fair on June 8th, 10:00 to 17:00 at Estrel Hotel in Berlin. This event is designed to support the international community in Berlin. Come by our stand at the fair, meet some of our members, and learn about all

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Activity Highlights in May 2024

Crafts, book discussions, walks through spring gardens and historic districts, a summer skin care workshop Plenty of things to do in May! GET OUT AND EXPLORE Monday, 6 May  The perfect plan for a Spring day! A late-afternoon stroll around Lietzenssee

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Activity Highlights in April 2024

Spring is here, and the pace of Club activities is picking up! Excursions in and around Berlin await us, interesting restaurant visits, book and film groups, walking groupstake your pick! GET OUT AND EXPLORE Tuesday, 9 April A tour of Lichterfelde West, o

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Activity Highlights in March 2024

Although much of our attention this month is devoted to our Annual General Meeting on 21 March, the BIWC still offers many opportunities to meet friends and explore the resources of Berlin. GET OUT AND EXPLORE Tuesday, 5 March Evening Meet & Greet (o

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Activity Highlights in February 2024

What would brighten up your February? A brunch with a view over Berlin? A brisk Saturday hike through the city? A museum tour, or a chance to brush up a foreign language? The BIWC offers all this and much more. GET OUT AND EXPLORE Friday, 16 February A vi

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Activity Highlights in January 2024

Do your New Year’s resolutions include keeping fit, seeing more of Berlin, reading more, or just enjoying the company of friends? Our activities can help with all of these resolutions! GET OUT AND EXPLORE Tuesday, 9 January Our Art & Architecture gro

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Activity Highlights in December 2023

Lighten up the dark December days with visits to Christmas markets, museums, restaurants, an artist’s studio … And of course all our usual offerings of walking groups, book groups, language groups, and so on! GET OUT AND EXPLORE Friday, 1 December Margar

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Activity Highlights in November 2023

It’s an international month! From an exuberant Mexican celebration to an afternoon of traditional Persian music, to opportunities to practice three languages, to sampling a variety of national cuisines … Experience the world with us! Get Out and Explore F

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Activity Highlights in October 2023

Some marvelous outdoor activities are planned, so we hope for a “golden October”—but if the weather turns on us, there are always cafés and restaurants, book groups and film and craft groups, and … something for everyone! Get Out and Explore Thursday, 12

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Volunteers party 2023

It takes a lot of helping hands to provide interesting events and the necessary support services for over two hundred membersbut we do have helping hands! In celebration of our numerous volunteers, we offer a special event to them every year. Here are a

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