tecRacer Amazon AWS Blog

The blog about Amazon Web Services by the AWS Premier Tier Services Partner tecRacer. We share our expertise and passion about technology with the world.

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Stop LLM/GenAI hallucination fast: Serverless Kendra RAG with GO

RAG is a way to approach the “hallucination” problem with LLM: A contextual reference increases the accuracy of the answers. Do you want to use RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) in production? The Python langchain library may be too slow fo

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Teaching boto3 to store floats and datetime objects in DynamoDB

In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can teach the DynamoDB Table resource in boto3 (and the client) to store and retrieve Python’s datetime and float objects, which they can’t do natively. We’ll also discuss why you should or

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Handling Errors and Retries in StepFunctions

“Everything fails all the time” has been preached to us by Werner Vogels for a few years now. Every engineer working on building and maintaining systems knows this to be true. Distributed systems come with their own kind of challenges, and one

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Assigning EKS Namespaces to Node Groups

In AWS EKS clusters, there are a couple of use cases for which all pods of a namespace should be automatically scheduled to specific nodes in Kubernetes, including: Clear allocation of data plane infrastructure (and costs) to teams in large organizations

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Hybrid DNS resolution using Route 53 Endpoints

When implementing a hybrid cloud solution and connecting your AWS VPCs with corporate data centers, setting up proper DNS resolution across the whole network is an important step to ensure full integration and functionality. In order to accomplish this ta

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SBOMs on AWS - what?

Like most IT professionals, you might have read the title and googled “SBOM”. Now that you know it stands for “Software Bill of Materials”, read on to see why this will be very important in the next years. And what AWS can do to he

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HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR in Athena when reading parquet files written by pandas

In a recent project, a colleague asked me to look at a HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR in Athena that they weren’t able to get rid of. Since the error message was not incredibly helpful and the way this error appeared is not that uncommon, I thought writing this

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Calculating AWS DocumentDB Storage I/Os

Amazon DocumentDB is a fully managed native JSON document database that is mostly compatible with MongoDB. Why mostly? Because it it has a few functional differences from MongoDB and some MongoDB features are not supported. Despite from these limitation,

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EKS Backup with Velero

Velero is a tool to backup the kubernetes cluster state and its persistent volumes. It can be used for disaster recovery or cluster migration. Please refer to the official documentation for a more comprehensive description of use cases. This article descr

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Scaling Down EKS Clusters at night

Scaling down workloads at night or at the weekends is a common implementation task for companies building on AWS. By running only the applications that need to be available at any point in time, the total consumption of infrastructure resources can be red

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Using AWS Security Hub for EKS Security

kube-bench is a tool for checking kubernetes clusters against requirements defined in the CIS Benchmark. The tool runs locally on a kubernetes node, performs its checks and prompts the outputs to the shell or to files. This is quite unhandy, because it me

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Custom runtime on Amazon Linux 2 - GO outperforms Node (3x) and Python (2x) with AWS Lambda Cold-start time

Lambda GO runtime is deprecated until the end of 2023. The new default custom Amazon Linux 2 runtime really speeds things up for GO. Now the cold-start is 2x faster than Python and 3x faster than node!

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Querying Local Health Check URLs

Do you run software that provides locally available health checks via a webserver only reachable via localhost? In this blog post, I will show you an architecture that you can use to connect those local health checks to CloudWatch Logs and even receive al

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4 ways to connect to your EC2 instance

Connecting to an EC2 instance is basically a no-brainer. I am using an SSH client and starting a connection to the EC2 instance. In this Blog, I will show you four different ways of connecting. One of them is supposedly highly unknown to most people.

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Replace Local Cronjobs with EventBridge/SSM

Every machine has recurring tasks. Backups, updates, runs of configuration management software like Chef, small scripts, … But one of the problems in a cloud environment is visibility. Instead of scheduling dozens of cron jobs or tasks per instance

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