tecRacer Amazon AWS Blog

The blog about Amazon Web Services by the AWS Premier Tier Services Partner tecRacer. We share our expertise and passion about technology with the world.

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10 years and one month: speed up website hosting on AWS in four steps

There is no (milli)second chance for the first impression. Many websites today mess this up badly. When I need to wait 10 seconds for the content to load - I am out. What about you? I show you how to optimize the speed in four steps with S3, CloudFront an

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On-Prem Airflow to MWAA

Transforming large amounts of data into formats that help solve business problems is what data engineers excel at. A combination of Serverless tools such as Athena, StepFunctions, Lambda, or Glue can get the job done in many projects. However, some custom

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Implementing Pessimistic Locking with DynamoDB and Python

I will show you how to implement pessimistic locking using Python with DynamoDB as our backend. Before we start, we’ll review the basics and discuss some of the design criteria we’re looking for. In an earlier post, I outlined to you how to im

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First Steps with Amazon Braket SDK

In this article, we will install and deploy a circuit with a Bell State using AWS Braket SDK. Some minimal knowledge requirements are expected from the reader, namely concepts such as: Qubit, Superposition, Quantum Logical Gates (and a bit of math by asso

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Hardware TOTP for AWS: Molto-2

Everybody knows you should protect your AWS accounts (and other logins) with MFA against brute-force attacks. Most of the account providers use a standardized algorithm (RFC 6238) to generate the famous six-digit TOTP codes for your login. But where do yo

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Glue Crawlers: No GetObject, No Problem

This is the story of how we accidentally learned more about the internals of Glue Crawlers than we ever wanted to know. Once upon a time (a few days ago), André and I were debugging a crawler that didn’t do what it was supposed to. Before we dive in

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Managing volatile Terraform Deployments with AWS CodeBuild and Step Functions

I was searching for an AWS-native solution that would deploy resources via Terraform, allow them to do some work, and then destroy them properly without leaving any orphaned resources. Also, multiple of those Terraform deployments needed to be live at the

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Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform

You like Lambda testevents? Great! But with “automate everything”, manual console clicks are considered dirty! Keep your hand clean by automating the creation of Lambda test events. So you can give your team, and yourself prepopulated test eve

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Waiting for things to happen and paginating responses with boto3

In this blog, we’ll look at two features in boto3/botocore that are often overlooked - Pagination and Waiters. In addition to that, we’ll explore how these are implemented under the hood.

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What is a Quantum Ledger Database?

This blog introduces you to a database that solves an interesting niche problem: Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB). We’ll get to the service later, but first, I’m going to set the stage by describing a problem that the service can solve. I

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New AWS Config Rules - LambdaLess and rust(y)

AWS Config checks all your resources for compliance. With 260 managed rules, it covers a lot of ground. But if you need additional checks until now, you had to write a complex Lambda function. With the new “Custom Policy” type, it is possible

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Getting a near-real-time view of a DynamoDB stream with Python

DynamoDB streams help you respond to changes in your tables, which is commonly used to create aggregations or trigger other workflows once data is updated. Getting a near-real-time view into these Streams can also be helpful during developing or debugging

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Getting started with testing DynamoDB code in Python

Testing is one of the most critical activities in software development and using third-party APIs like DynamoDB in your code comes with challenges when writing tests. Today, I’ll show you how you can start writing tests for code that accesses Dynamo

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Putting the database to sleep using Lambda - a Python developers first contact with Golang

In this blog, I take you along on my journey to build my first Golang-based Lambda function. Inspired by surprise on my RDS bill, I built a Lambda function in Go to periodically stop running databases with a specific tag. Come, learn and debug with me!

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Glue Crawlers dont correctly recognize Ion data - heres how you fix that

Amazon Ion is one of the data serialization formats you can use when exporting data from DynamoDB to S3. Recently, I tried to select data from one of these exports with Athena after using a Glue Crawler to create the schema and table. It didn’t work

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