tecRacer Amazon AWS Blog

The blog about Amazon Web Services by the AWS Premier Tier Services Partner tecRacer. We share our expertise and passion about technology with the world.

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Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki

In hybrid architectures, serverless functions work together with container solutions. Lambda logs have to be translated when you don`t choose CloudWatch Logs. The old way of doing this is through subscription filters using additional Lambda functions for

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Step functions and the source

Possibilities of using AWS Step Functions are widespread. Most times, filtering out the necessary content is done within Lambda Functions or other services. With this blog, I will show you how to prevent this within Lambda using in- and output filters in

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Place free AMI product on the AWS Marketplace

The last time I showed the registration as a seller for the AWS Marketplace. Let’s move on with adding a new free AMI to it. I will bring you into a position to publish your first AMI into the AWS Marketplace as a free version and give you the neces

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DevContainers on Windows without Docker for Desktop

A while ago, Docker changed licensing terms for their Docker Desktop product. As a result, many companies cannot use Docker for free anymore, which impacts using VSCode DevContainers. In this blog, I will show you how to solve these licensing issues by us

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Place products on the AWS Marketplace - Seller registration

Let’s go and shop for something. I bet almost everyone of us has heard that sentence in the past. But where do we go then? A Supermarket, shopping center, or marketplace could be one of the answers. For this blog article, I’d like to give you

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Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 3: X-Ray vs Jaeger - Send Lambda traces with open telemetry

In modern architectures, Lambda functions co-exist with containers. Cloud Native Observability is achieved with open telemetry. I show you how to send open telemetry traces from Lambda to a Jaeger tracing server. Let’s see how this compares to the

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Hostname Resolution and DNS with SAP on AWS

SAP systems running in a distributed environment have certain requirements regarding how to set the hostname and how those need to be resolved from other hosts. In our test landscape we use virtual hostnames to decouple the SAP instances from the underlyi

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Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 2: AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda vs X-Ray SDK

We know how to follow traces with the X-Ray SDK. Now there is AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry claiming to do this better. Let’s build CDK examples for Lambda with TypeScript/Python/Go and find out who is the better spy in this game.

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Using AWS mac1/mac2 Instances with Test Kitchen

Everybody who had to write software or work with configuration management for Apple knows of the problems to get access to test machines. AWS does offer both Intel- and M1-based Mac instances now and with kitchen-ec2 v3.15.0 it is finally possible to use

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Introduction to asynchronous interactions with the AWS API in Python

The world is asynchronous, as Dr. Werner Vogels proclaimed at re:invent 2022. We’ll explore what that assertion means for the Python developers of the world and how we can enable (and benefit from) asynchronous interactions with the AWS API using ai

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Dedicated Hosts with Test Kitchen

Sometimes, you need to deploy software for tests with special licensing terms. To solve this, AWS offers Dedicated Instances and Dedicated Hosts - and now you can use them with Test Kitchen 3.14 in your developer workflows.

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Call SAP RFC Function Modules from AWS Lambda using the NW RFC SDK and Node.js

SAP provides the SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK to allow external systems to call SAP Systems directly via SAP RFC. I will walk you through the steps it took me to deploy a function on AWS Lambda that uses the NW RFC SDK. Once you mastered those, you could use it

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Serverless Spy Vs Spy Chapter 1: X-ray

There are several ways to perform espionage activities in the life of a serverless app, which all battle for your attention. Time for the advent of counterintelligence: We want answers! - And CDK/Source examples of how to use it! Here we go, Serverless sp

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VSCode Repository-Level Task Definitions

Do you run the same CLI commands again and again while using VSCode? Even if you already put them into code, you find yourself typing things like rake build all the time? I just learned of VSCode’s integrated Task management the other day, and this

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Dont kill it with iron! How many pods can I start on an EKS node?

Every EC2 instance type has a limited number of ENIs and IP addresses that it can use. This can quickly cause EKS to not being able to schedule more pods on a node. Luckily, there is a simple solution for that.

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