Caraway Ginger Shortbread Cookies

Cookies can be prepared with tons of different ingredients. Most of these cookies will turn out sweet. But that doesnt always have to be the case. There are also plenty of savory cookies you can nibble on. These Caraway Ginger Shortbread Cookies are somewhere in between. Sweet, but with a »savory« touch thanks to the [] The post Caraway Ginger Shortbread Cookies first appeared on Bake to the roots.

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Banana Oats Walnut Cookies (vegan)

Cookies are great. You can enjoy them as a sweet snack during the day or even as a replacement for a small breakfast. If you are not using too much sugar for your cookies, they can be a reasonably »healthy« snack/meal. These vegan Banana Oats Walnut Cooki

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Orientalisches Millionaire´s Shortbread

Als wir das letzte Mal zu einem Familiengeburtstag in Schottland zu Besuch waren, haben wir uns buchstäblich in das typisch britische Süßgebäck Millionaire´s Shortbread verliebt. Normalerweise finde ich Karamell nicht so lecker, aber seit dieser Reise kan

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Chocolate Sandwich Cookies with Ovomaltine

More is more, right? Thats what they say. In my case Im very happy about more chocolate in everything. More than I dont know. Lets just say a lot of chocolate is great ;P These delicious Chocolate Sandwich Cookies with Ovomaltine Chocolate Spread are a go

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Swiss Nut Bars (Schweizer Nuss-Stängeli)

If you like cookies with nuts, you will probably love these Swiss Nut Bars (aka. Schweizer Nuss-Stängeli). In Switzerland, you can get these cookies in many supermarkets – I always brought some back from Migros when I was visiting my hometown. I am pretty

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Bye, bye Cookie – ein Plädoyer für automatisierte Datenanalyse

Marketer verabschieden sich von den Third-Party-Cookies. In diesem Beitrag erfahren Sie, warum das lang gefürchtete Cookie-Aus ein Sprungbrett zu mehr Effizienz sein kann und wie Sie B2B Marketingkampagnen durch automatisierte Analysen verbessern können.

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