Many of us spend hours every day tethered to our devices, pawing at the screen to see if it will deliver a few more likes or emails, monitoring the world and honing our online presence. Yet our reliance on technology to “see” the social world around us can be a heavy burden. Even so, many would find the prospect of living offline worrisome, or simply impossible. That’s why we undertook a small study with 50 people who may seem nothing less than social outcasts in today’s screen saturated environment. None of our participants used social media or had a mobile phone, and most even refused to email. We wanted to understand why these people had decided to switch off, and how they managed it. But rather than seeking quick fixes for overuse, we explored the principles and values that drove our participants to live the way they do. Much has already been written about how we can switch off – but that won’t achieve much, unless we really feel the benefits. There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for. ― Milton Glaser Part of the problem with social networking platforms is that we don’t just use them for communicating – they also promote a particular way of being connected to and supportive of those around us. These interactions are channelled through the platform to create data, which is ultimately fed back to data brokers and marketers. (Source: Der Beitrag Less Social Media, More Happiness erschien zuerst auf Avidata.
Was will ich mit meinem Auftritt im Social Media erreichen? Social Media ist vielseitig. Die Plattformen sind für die unterschiedlichsten Dinge einsetzbar. Und jeder Kanal hat seine Stärken und Schwächen. Die Frage nach dem tatsächlichen Ziel hilft Ihnen
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